The projects listed under “Open Projects” are those for which I’m currently hiring! If you’d like more information on any of the projects, or to propose a new project, feel free to email me.

Open Projects

I don’t have any applications open right now, but check again soon for updates. I sometimes hire CERN summer students and technical students, each of which have open rounds advertised on the CERN careers page.

Ongoing Projects

NextGen Triggers

Various projects developing Machine Learning solutions for CMS Level 1 Trigger.

Edge SpAIce

Using hls4ml for deployment of Image Segmentation NNs on Earth Observation satellites for monitoring of plastics pollution in the oceans. Extending hls4ml for the support of substantially large models for EO.

Positions: one CERN Origin, one Technical Student

Previous Projects

conifer developer

CERN summer student 2024.

Outcome: conifer FPU ported to CMS L1T Serenity card

FPGA NIC for CMS 40 MHz Scouting

Positions: Vilnius University Erasmus student

Outcome: TCP/IP stack implementations in FPGA

Fast Machine Learning for Timepix ASICs

Boston University / University of Geneva exchange program 2023

Outcome: trained image segmentation Neural Network for particle flavour labelling

Encrypted Operator Computing on FPGAs with conifer

Boston University / University of Geneva exchange program 2023

Outcome: developed a conifer-compatible, logic-unrolled, implementation of Binary Decision Diagrams with HLS

Jet Tagging for CMS Level 1 Trigger

Boston University / University of Geneva exchange program 2022

Generating CMS events at 40MHz using neural networks

CERN summer student project 2022

Outcome: trained a GAN generating events of CMS Phase 2 L1T Puppi candidates, deployed in Serenity board FPGA for 40 MHz scouting system stress-testing

Ultra-fast Machine Learning inference for triggering at the CMS experiment

CERN summer student project 2021

Outcome: implementation of ONNX frontend for conifer

hls4ml catapult backend and hardware-cost estimation

CERN technical student 2021

Outcome: Masters thesis

hls4ml developer

CERN technical student 2021

Outcome: hls4ml VivadoAccelerator backend. Published at DOI 10.1088/2632-2153/ac9cb5 and DOI 10.1088/2632-2153/ac0ea1